Age 18 months in our ‘Dance with me’ class and 2 years old in our Baby level.
Until you know your child is settled they are welcome to wear comfortable clothes that they can move in and bare feet or gym shoes. Uniform guidelines can be found on the website when you are ready to purchase. Our uniform is stocked by DanceFit in Rosemount and Andrew Begg’s on Schoolhill.
Once we have received your child’s details, they will be covered by our insurance and able to come along for a free taster lesson before deciding to take a permanent space.
Our terms run alongside the school term timetable. Classes are invoiced monthly via email and can be paid by cash or bank transfer before the start of the month.
Family watching in class takes place at the end of the Winter and Summer terms. We also have whole school performances onstage every year.
If you have anything you wish to discuss with Laura or your child’s teacher, please contact by email to discuss or arrange a phone call or face to face discussion. Please avoid lengthy discussion at the class door as it distracts the teacher from observing the class and takes away valuable class time.
If local schools are closed due to adverse weather conditions, Flashdance will also close. Info will be posted on the website and social media should this happen. These closures are out with our control and would therefore not be refunded. Any other closure (e.g. teacher illness) would be emailed and text directly and an alternative class option offered.
Please give us 4 weeks notice to cease classes to avoid being invoiced for the next term. This should be done by email to